My little panda...Dayani is having her separation anxiety phase now...she's sooo clingy...mau pigi toilet pun susah woo...huhu...tgl sekejap pon nangis macam kene dera je...iskisk
info from BabyCentre:
A baby's sense of individuality take years to develop. At first she thinks you and she are one and the same. Then at around six months, she'll start to realise that she is separate from you, and that you can leave her alone. This is when the fear of abandonment known as separation anxiety usually begins. It can last well into the second year.
At around seven months your baby will realise she is independent of you; this is a huge cognitive leap worthy of celebration. Unfortunately, this new understanding of separateness makes your baby anxious. She's become so attached to you that when you leave her alone, even for a minute, she will burst into tears. She doesn't have the information yet that you will always come back.
Cian Dayani takut kene tinggal tapi dia okey je kalo hantar g nursery pagi2..siap sengih2 lagi suka..huhu
ps: Dayani dh 7 bulan nak masuk 8 tapi x tumbuh gigi lagi..hee
info from BabyCentre:
A baby's sense of individuality take years to develop. At first she thinks you and she are one and the same. Then at around six months, she'll start to realise that she is separate from you, and that you can leave her alone. This is when the fear of abandonment known as separation anxiety usually begins. It can last well into the second year.
At around seven months your baby will realise she is independent of you; this is a huge cognitive leap worthy of celebration. Unfortunately, this new understanding of separateness makes your baby anxious. She's become so attached to you that when you leave her alone, even for a minute, she will burst into tears. She doesn't have the information yet that you will always come back.
Cian Dayani takut kene tinggal tapi dia okey je kalo hantar g nursery pagi2..siap sengih2 lagi suka..huhu
ps: Dayani dh 7 bulan nak masuk 8 tapi x tumbuh gigi lagi..hee
6 comments: susah kan masa phase ni.sofieya pun masih camtu even dah 10 bulan.
ni geng alif ni..lambat tumbuh gigi =P
ye eh baie..sofieya pon nak brkepit gak eh..tu ah..skrang nak masak pok payah die asyik nangis je kalo x duk kat die..huhu
Aliff pon lewat kan..dlm 10 bulan eh baru naik gigi..geng2..hee
elly, anak aku smpai skrg begitu..dr umo 3 bln smpai ni da 9 bln. owhh gigi pon lom tumbuh haha
hee...same gak eh aini..melekat je..geram tapi bangga gak sb die xnak org lain..haha
same2..geng2 x tumbuh gigi lagi =)
Owh baru I tau anak kita anggap kita n dia adalah satu :) nice fact!!
tu la..dats y melekattt je..he
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