Its May. Dayani turn 4 month already =)
Few updates on what she learn so far.
#She loves watching TV. Can occupy her for awhile. Some says tv bad for your kids but cant help it if it can give me some time to do chores around the house =p
#Rolling over is her skill. Pantang letak mesti mau meniarap then bising2 mau pusing balik. I even
caught her flip herself during her sleep. huhu. oh btw, she can flip from front to back only. Cant yet flip the other way - from back to front.
#She can respond to people around her more. Giggling and flapping her hand. She loves being around people.
#Can enjoy playing with her toys now. She can hold, grasp and lick the toys.
#Loves to talk. Minah keypoh in the making =p. Usually in the morning, when she woke up early, she'll blabber to herself in her cot. Once she sees us she cries want to be lifted up. cute.
#Laugh out loud. More like screaming i think..huhu
#Bubbles girl. Suke main air liur. pffft
#Loves to go out. Kaki jalan. hee
#Loves books. My future bookworm. Welcome to the club baby =)
Her hair is getting longer. Can start browsing around for cute hairband. hehe
#Had a
fever+cold twice (err..not a milestones i guess)
#like to pretend she can hold the milk bottles by herself. Eksen lebih.
Alhamdulillah..overall i'm blessed to have a healthy & active daughter =)